Information on cookies
To make navigation easier, the editor implements cookies in your computer.
Cookies store information about your browsing on our site (the pages you visited,
the date and time of visit, etc.).
The publisher can access this information during future visits.
The shelf life of this information in your computer for 40 days.
This cookie does not allow the publisher to identify you.
You may object to the registration of cookies by configuring your browser follows:
- For Mozilla Firefox :
- Select "Tools" menu then "Options"
- Click on the "Privacy"
- Locate the "Cookie" menu and select the appropriate options
- For Microsoft Internet Explorer :
- Select the "Tools" menu (or "Tools"), then "Internet Options" (or "Internet Options
- Click on the "Privacy" (or "Confidentiality") tab
- Select the desired level using the cursor.
- For Opera :
- Choose the "File" menu & gt; "Preferences"
- Click "Privacy"